Fuel for the Flame

Self reflection psychology heartbreak starting over true grit
Every Fire Burns Until It Is Finished
A glass half empty is a glass half full when you are drinking bourbon.

At times, the mirror reflects everything you do not care to gaze upon. Every sip becomes insightful, unleashing the beast found within. The warm caress soothes your courage with a clean finish. This is the American way.

Centuries of hardships shape every culture. Illusions craft the future. You are everything you have done and you are everything that has been done to you. Embracing the truth is against your nature, but the time to rise above has long since passed. Your reality begins now.

Another sip to feel empowered. No taste is too bitter for the malcontent.

Look in the mirror. What do you see staring back at you in the eleventh hour?

Was this worth your ambition?


The first snowfall of the year is always an expected surprise in a northern climate. As unwelcome as they may be, flakes accumulate nonetheless. Brisk winds cut sharper than a knife, while a moonlit dust clings to the landscape.

I cover myself in fuzzy pants and flannels. Maybe it is the reduced layers of blubber, but something about Greece changed me.

It is not the cigar that brings me warmth, although the vanilla aroma is seductive. The everlasting glow of a memory keeps me company on this bittersweet October morning.

Reminiscing over lost history brings a reluctant smile to my face. A cold holiday night in Greece spent at a restaurant in Athens. The warmth of a family’s love. There I was in shorts as if I was warm…

Now this midwestern boy cannot even handle 34° F without fuzzy pants while wearing a red and black lumberjack. With the hat to match…Self help whiskey bourbon travel hopeless romantic heartbreak psychology