No Tears Sunshine

Sometimes life has a funny way
Of reminding us we’re ok
When you close your eyes
Nothing but peace until sunrise

So gather round the campfire tonight
Let’s let our spirits take flight
And take us back to a simpler time
Let’s lose ourselves, no tears sunshine

Slowly crawling along the way
Youth has a way of slipping away

There were times when I wanted to call
There were times when I had no one at all
We had more than enough time to mend
But that time has come and gone

So when you grow weary with time,
Think of when there were no tears sunshine
Smile, laugh but baby don’t cry
Think of when there were no tears sunshine

Originally Published December 1, 2012

Special note from author on June 26, 2023

Wisdom is an accumulation. Enjoy every moment of your youth because it only keeps slipping away more and more with each passing day.

Author: Dark Confessional

A life of experience through the eyes of a hardened soul. The confessions that follow are sometimes best served with whiskey. Join me as I find purpose for the turmoil within.

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