Pinch It Short

Barely breathing, clinging to life
Wondering what it’d be like
To give up this fight
Feels like I’ve lost sight

Pain has consumed me
Eating me alive!
Either the weather is changing
Or it is just my time

The clock must be ticking
With these memories haunting
If only I could break free
From this curse cast upon me

Every story has a tail
Every soul has a tale

Originally Published January 6, 2013

Special note from author on June 26, 2023

Sometimes we all feel like a piece of shit from time to time.


It’s been a long winding trail, with no end in sight; I must prevail
A crossroad approaches
With no guide by my side, I’m destined to be my own guiding light
Suffering the darkness
Torment haunting the essence of my existence in it’s darkest hour
Wind chills this lonesome ridge
To synchronize my heart; weeping it’s tears of misery with an icy dart
Try it on for size
Left with the moon to swallow my thoughts; it’s shadow I will follow
Riding the tides of time
Oh wailing winds of destiny have ye forsaken even me? So empty
Is your eerie temptation
A floating raft when I’m drowning at sea but never to be seen?
How dare you trick me?
And how naive was I to venture out; a vulnerable soul am I, no doubt
Another lesson learned
To keep building this fortress of stone; even spirits catch colds
It’s inevitable

Originally Published December 30, 2012

Special note from author on June 26, 2023

It’s eerie how prophetic this poem has turned out to be. Are some doors better left closed? Then what to do with the curiosity that draws us in?

In the end, the journey is the experience and your inner reflection should be the reward. What you choose to do with it is up to you. One way or another, your destiny is inevitable.

This Too Shall Pass

Like a feather floating free sparking chemistry,
The winds of change always follow me.
The courage to believe anything I dream,
Take my hand so you can be my beam
Of radiating light, be my warmth tonight.
I would never grow tired of your sight!
But things can never be as beautiful as they seem
How was this nightmare ever my dream?

Now there’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide,
From this weakness tearing me apart inside.
I’ll try to swallow my pain, I’ll go drown in the rain
But I’ll never speak poorly of your beautiful name

This load is mine to bear, it’s burden I’d never share
Nor would I ever want you to think I don’t care.
So when the pain is there, find a star and stare
Remember somewhere there’s someone who cares.
The apple of my eye to the day the music died
I’ll never forget the way you made me feel inside.
This anguish will insist on kicking my ass
But my sweet darling, this too shall pass.

Originally Published December 30, 2012

Special note from author on June 26, 2023

Second chances don’t always change destiny. Lesson learned.


Soulstorm therapeutic writing through the journey of thoughts, emotions and decisions.

I feel the warmth of the sun upon the back of my neck. The heat’s not unbearable while the wind keeps my shirt dry. I can feel the cold front moving in, I always can and not just in my bones.

The winds are changing and it’s not just the air that gave it away. The void only reminds me of the Continue reading “Soulstorm”