Anchor Away

Anchored down on a windy day
Feeling all the love through heartache
Gut wrenching turns; feeling the burn
Time to make use of what I’ve learned

Baby let it rain
Let me soak your pain!

I’m on my knees but not to pray
Looking for every single way
Pleading to the crying skies
Drawing on my strength inside

Baby let it rain
Let me soak your pain!
Anchor’s aweigh!
Anchor’s aweigh!

Let’s sail far away
Forget yesterday!
Live for today
Put that anchor away!

Originally Published January 22, 2013

Special note from author on June 26, 2023

I wrote this as a poem and it very quickly became a song. I never did a high quality recording of it but I do have the original recording in a file somewhere.

The message of this song is as bittersweet as the music I wrote to go with it. The person it is about is someone I have not talked to in years and may never talk to again but she knows who she is.

Pinch It Short

Barely breathing, clinging to life
Wondering what it’d be like
To give up this fight
Feels like I’ve lost sight

Pain has consumed me
Eating me alive!
Either the weather is changing
Or it is just my time

The clock must be ticking
With these memories haunting
If only I could break free
From this curse cast upon me

Every story has a tail
Every soul has a tale

Originally Published January 6, 2013

Special note from author on June 26, 2023

Sometimes we all feel like a piece of shit from time to time.


A drifter I was born and a drifter I will die
I’ll forever ride alone with ice in my eye
My thoughts will wrestle gut as I get by
Never again will I fall for foolish lies
Like a lone wolf learning to survive
Hour by hour, I will stay alive

Behold, darkness will fall; this will be my call
There’s nothing left to lose, nothing at all

A slave I was born and a slave I will die
Some hearts have no space for love’s lie
Some were born alone, wandering; no ally
Some hearts get broken and never heal right
Some hearts grow colder with each grain of time
When there is no love some hearts just die

Behold, darkness will fall but this is my call
There was nothing left to lose, nothing at all

A poet I was born and a poet I will die
To see the beauty of the world from my eye
And save it for myself; I vow my tongue tied
For there’s no beauty to share; I feel blue inside
Nobody shed a tear, nobody blinked an eye
The day the unknown poet inside of me died

Behold darkness is crude with no patience for soul
Like the crack of a whip I’ll labor as the hours roll

Originally Published December 30, 2012

Special note from author on June 26, 2023

Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys…


It’s been a long winding trail, with no end in sight; I must prevail
A crossroad approaches
With no guide by my side, I’m destined to be my own guiding light
Suffering the darkness
Torment haunting the essence of my existence in it’s darkest hour
Wind chills this lonesome ridge
To synchronize my heart; weeping it’s tears of misery with an icy dart
Try it on for size
Left with the moon to swallow my thoughts; it’s shadow I will follow
Riding the tides of time
Oh wailing winds of destiny have ye forsaken even me? So empty
Is your eerie temptation
A floating raft when I’m drowning at sea but never to be seen?
How dare you trick me?
And how naive was I to venture out; a vulnerable soul am I, no doubt
Another lesson learned
To keep building this fortress of stone; even spirits catch colds
It’s inevitable

Originally Published December 30, 2012

Special note from author on June 26, 2023

It’s eerie how prophetic this poem has turned out to be. Are some doors better left closed? Then what to do with the curiosity that draws us in?

In the end, the journey is the experience and your inner reflection should be the reward. What you choose to do with it is up to you. One way or another, your destiny is inevitable.

This Too Shall Pass

Like a feather floating free sparking chemistry,
The winds of change always follow me.
The courage to believe anything I dream,
Take my hand so you can be my beam
Of radiating light, be my warmth tonight.
I would never grow tired of your sight!
But things can never be as beautiful as they seem
How was this nightmare ever my dream?

Now there’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide,
From this weakness tearing me apart inside.
I’ll try to swallow my pain, I’ll go drown in the rain
But I’ll never speak poorly of your beautiful name

This load is mine to bear, it’s burden I’d never share
Nor would I ever want you to think I don’t care.
So when the pain is there, find a star and stare
Remember somewhere there’s someone who cares.
The apple of my eye to the day the music died
I’ll never forget the way you made me feel inside.
This anguish will insist on kicking my ass
But my sweet darling, this too shall pass.

Originally Published December 30, 2012

Special note from author on June 26, 2023

Second chances don’t always change destiny. Lesson learned.

My Favorite Color

I prefer the peace that comes when the lights go out
I could apologize in advance
But I know you’ve heard it all before
Yet that won’t kill the pain bleeding inside
I’ve faced demons guarding the gates
Will someone get me out of this place?
A cry unheard is another wasted tear
But the bottle will break and take it all away!
So don’t ask if the answer’s gonna set you off
Just drive the dagger in so we begin again

Some prefer the pain of dying within
Some were born blue and others wander in
Eventually we all get there
Here, I even saved you a chair

The sun will rise tomorrow if you close your eyes tonight
The sun will rise again if you look within

Originally Published December 30, 2012

Special note from author on June 26, 2023

The older I get, the more this rings true. Just get it over with and then, when you’re finally able to settle the score, deal with it like an adult. For fuck’s sake.

No Tears Sunshine

Sometimes life has a funny way
Of reminding us we’re ok
When you close your eyes
Nothing but peace until sunrise

So gather round the campfire tonight
Let’s let our spirits take flight
And take us back to a simpler time
Let’s lose ourselves, no tears sunshine

Slowly crawling along the way
Youth has a way of slipping away

There were times when I wanted to call
There were times when I had no one at all
We had more than enough time to mend
But that time has come and gone

So when you grow weary with time,
Think of when there were no tears sunshine
Smile, laugh but baby don’t cry
Think of when there were no tears sunshine

Originally Published December 1, 2012

Special note from author on June 26, 2023

Wisdom is an accumulation. Enjoy every moment of your youth because it only keeps slipping away more and more with each passing day.

Carolina Dreams

Well, I’ve got my old dirty jeans and I got my broken dreams,
And I got all my old t-shirts,
And I still remember you smiling at your door
But it’s not enough to miss you anymore
I’ve let go it just took time

Maybe I’ll head down to Carolina, maybe I’ll head on down the line
Got windows down, radio up, I’m singing’ along, I’m feelin’ fine
Cuz I’m not runnin’ when there’s nothing left to leave,
Ain’t nobody miss me, my spirit’s just free,
I gave love a shot and it nearly killed me

I’ve got my old truck, a little rust, a lotta love
I still smile when she kicks up dust.
There’s dusty dirt roads ‘n’ hidden driveways,
But none that lead me back your way,
My heart has moved on without ever saying goodbye

Cuz I’m heading down to Carolina, right on down the line
My windows down, smiles for miles, I’m feelin’ fine
Cuz I’m not runnin’ when there’s nothing left to leave,
I’m lookin’ for fun, to feel a bit free
I’ve got a lot of soul but not a lot of money

So if you ever find yourself thinking of me
Don’t worry baby, I’m finally free
And maybe just maybe I will be
Somewhere along Carolina’s sea
No need to come look for me

So I think I’m ready to head right on down the line
Carolina, sweet Caroline, oh sweet Caroline
Don’t worry ain’t leavin’ nothin’ behind
I’ll be all yours and you can be all mine
Carolina, sweet Caroline

Originally Published November 15, 2012

Special note from author on June 26, 2023

This poem captures the spirit of a person I used to know, myself. This was the outlook of a young man, in his late 20’s, seeking something other than what was in the backyard. That ambition eventually led to a shore much further away than Carolina but the enslaved spirit of the words live on, to this day, within this darkened soul.

Chasing Myths

Chasing The Myth Known As Love Into The Sea Of Heartbreak And Loneliness

The soothing sound of waves crashing the shore surround me as the sea breeze keeps me dry. I should be sweating like a lover in this heat, but all I’m thinking about is the first taste of salt water that will kiss my lips soon. I can feel the perspiration beginning to form along my forehead as the sun roasts me like a Bic, but I’ve got all day and a life to kill.

I might as well get started

The water always feels frigid right as my feet fully submerge themselves into the suds along the shore. As I keep walking in, I begin to feel the chills shooting through my legs and up my spine right as the water begins applying the ice to my nuts. Yet, there is something so therapeutic in that moment when I stand still, hesitating, before launching my whole body into the wet unknown. Once I make the decision to disturb the rippling peace, I still close my eyes and hold my nose closed like a child before I roll myself into the water head first. Continue reading “Chasing Myths”