This Too Shall Pass

Like a feather floating free sparking chemistry,
The winds of change always follow me.
The courage to believe anything I dream,
Take my hand so you can be my beam
Of radiating light, be my warmth tonight.
I would never grow tired of your sight!
But things can never be as beautiful as they seem
How was this nightmare ever my dream?

Now there’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide,
From this weakness tearing me apart inside.
I’ll try to swallow my pain, I’ll go drown in the rain
But I’ll never speak poorly of your beautiful name

This load is mine to bear, it’s burden I’d never share
Nor would I ever want you to think I don’t care.
So when the pain is there, find a star and stare
Remember somewhere there’s someone who cares.
The apple of my eye to the day the music died
I’ll never forget the way you made me feel inside.
This anguish will insist on kicking my ass
But my sweet darling, this too shall pass.

Originally Published December 30, 2012

Special note from author on June 26, 2023

Second chances don’t always change destiny. Lesson learned.

Author: Dark Confessional

A life of experience through the eyes of a hardened soul. The confessions that follow are sometimes best served with whiskey. Join me as I find purpose for the turmoil within.

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